Windows OSes usually apply a generic driver that allows computers to recognize printers and make use of their basic functions. Added CAT (Catalog) files which were released from Microsoft (WHQL). A potential spooler crash might occur when using a Citrix Session Printer if multiple users are logged on to the Citrix server at the same time. When printing a job with a large number of pageserror messages stating that the job failed to print might appear on the computer screen even if the job was printed correctly.
When connected to a Bluetooth port in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, printing and bidirectional communication fail. A Windows Server 2008 or later operating system is used as the client computer. The printer driver was deployed via Group Policy. The User Authentication settings in the Advanced Options tab of Printer Properties in a driver that was installed by using Point and Print are lost when the user logs off and if any of the following conditions apply: In a Citrix Server environment, the One Click Preset icons for all users who are actively logged on are deleted if one of the users logs off. When printing text that uses the Meiryo or Meiryo UI font with bold and/or italic applied, the characters overlap. When printing a watermark, the font style might not be applied properly to text that uses a font that only includes the Regular style. When a large number of printing, such as more than 10,000 prints, is conducted without restarting the spooler, printing might stop and be unable to finish.

High performance printing can be expected.

It supports HP PCL XL commands and is optimized for the Windows GDI. Printer driver for B/W printing and Color printing in Windows.